Passages Schedule

    1. Welcome from AMTAS!

    2. Code of Conduct

    3. Passages Schedule 10/7/2023 and Recording Links

    4. Zoom Link: AMTAS Business Meeting #2, 10/7/2023, 3:30-4:30 PM EST

About this course

  • Free for Music Therapy Students

Connect and learn with your fellow music therapy students!

Registration is free!

What is Passages?

Passages is the free student lead section of the AMTA symposium. It provides opportunities for students to present music therapy research and topics, talk about their experiences, and network with other student music therapists, interns, and new professionals across the country. "Navigating Music Therapy: Empowering students through advocacy, research, creative outlets, and supportive spaces," will aim to provide the opportunity for our student community to increase understanding of the field of music therapy. As music therapy students and professionals, we advocate for the wellness of our clients; however, it is just as important to take care of ourselves: people first, therapists second. How can we navigate the leap from student to professional? What hope, knowledge, and resources can we share with each other to strengthen and support our community? AMTAS website link:
A gray mixing board