2024 AMTA Symposium

September 22-25, 2024 live, online, asynchronously available until 2/28/2025. The 2024 AMTA Symposium offers 36 pre-approved CMTE Credits, as well as a keynote address and opportunities for colleague connections. There is no additional charge to receive your CMTE credits, you will receive credit as you complete each course and submit an evaluation. Scroll down to learn more about the program, rates and registration!
a square with the words 2024 AMTA Symposium and the AMTA-U logo with a treble clef and music notes

About the Symposium

  • Pricing

    $70-$220, free for music therapy students. Use our reflective considerations to determine your rate.

  • CMTE Credits

    Earn up to 36 CMTE Credits between 9/22/2024 and 2/28/2025. Learn at your own pace.

  • Extras

    Keynote with Amelia Nagoski & Music Therapy Game Night!

Symposium Pricing Options

We are offering four, self-determined payment levels for this year's symposium. Registrants can choose their payment level based on these payment plan guidelines. Music Therapy students are welcome to register for free. Select the rate that works best for your ability to pay and copy the code that you'd like to use for the checkout page. Need more financial support? Some scholarships are available for professionals. Keep scrolling for more information!.

  • Request a Professional Scholarship: click the form below

    You are struggling to meet basic needs and unable to fund participation.

  • $70: enter code symposium70 at checkout

    You are struggling to meet basic needs and you have minimal expendable income

  • $145: enter code symposium145 at checkout

    You are able to meet basic needs and you have expendable income

  • $220: No code needed at checkout

    You comfortably meet basic needs and you have ample expendable income. You would like to support AMTA by paying full price for this online event.

Scholarship Waitlist Information

Thanks to the Anne Emory Kyllo Fund, 42 scholarships were made available to new and established professionals! Unfortunately all scholarship funds have been distributed at this time, however you can join the waitlist to request scholarship. Please click the button below and complete the form. Individuals on the waitlist will be notified in the order that they are requested should additional funds become available.

Music Therapy Student Registration

Music Therapy Students attend free of charge. Click here to request your registration code.

Do you have questions?

We have answers!

Extended Access!

Can't make it to all of the courses?

The majority of the symposium's learning content will be available to registrants asynchronously through February 28, 2025 right here on AMTA-U!