About this Course

A team of clinicians and educators will provide detailed information on the psychological effects of trauma in music therapy, the theory behind resilience approaches, and clinical examples of trauma-informed practice that include a culturally informed lens. The seemingly disparate ways clinicians work with survivors of intimate partner abuse, natural disasters, violence in the environment, and traumatic loss, to name a few types of trauma, have at their core a commitment to using music as a way to unlock emotion and bring a sense of trust and safety to clients’ lives. In this 3-hour CMTE session, time will also be given for attendees to apply the information to their own practice and collaborate with others on strategies for implementation.
Hands holding a small globe surrounded by green leaves.

Learning Objectives

w/ CBMT Board Certification Domains

  • After attending this session, attendees will be able to describe two possible instances of harmful music experiences in working with survivors of trauma. CBMT I. 2

  • After attending this session, attendees will be able to identify three beneficial verbal and/or physical interventions when working with survivors of trauma. CBMT I.

  • After attending this session, attendees will be able to recognize two stressors that their clients may have that indicate trauma. CBMT II.B.4.l.4.

  • After attending this session, attendees will be able to formulate two essential elements of creating a safe therapeutic environment. CBMT II.D. 8

  • As a result of this session, attendees will be able to formulate two individualized music therapy experiences to address a client’s history of abuse and trauma. CBMT III.A.2.c.

Course Schedule

150 minutes. This is an asynchronous, online course. You can complete the course modules at your own pace and on your own schedule. Follow the instructions to complete the course evaluation and receive your CMTE certificate.

  • Introductions and overview of trauma-informed principles (15 minutes).

  • Trauma-informed approaches (100 minutes).

  • Group processing/small group work (20 minutes).

  • Re-group to share discussion points and strategies; closing comments and song (15 minutes).